Ganesh Chaturthi
Festivals can act as a great provocation for incorporating various academic and non-academic skills and knowledge.
Junior Kindergarten observed the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi to understand the Sustainable Development Goal
13 – Climate Action and Learner Profile Attribute – Caring. The students listened to a short story about why Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated. They made connections between Ganesha and a Learner Profile Attribute that they thought was most closely related to the same. This enabled the students to apply their knowledge in a different context and situation.
As a reflection, the students were shown images of Ganesh Visarjan and were asked to share how they feel looking
at the images. A class discussion led to a collective conclusion that it is important to save the environment and make
sure we keep it clean. As an action, students created eco-friendly Ganesha and decided to spread awareness about
the same by telling their friends and family.
Change is big, no matter how small the action is.