Kaleidoscope of Creativity: Specialist Showcase Across The PYP Grades!
In Art, the grade 1 students have been learning about how the properties of air can be used to create an interesting effect. Children were presented with a variety of different coloured watery paints, a straw and a piece of paper.
The challenge was to move the paints without touching the paper and then we observed how they put in their efforts to explore different ideas to move the paint.
The group engaged in different methods of painting until one student discovered a technique involving blowing the paint. They experimented with different levels of force and even used straws to control the direction of the paint.
The experience was enjoyable to observe as they used their creativity to transform the paint into various shapes and figures.

Dance and Drama
EIS Dance and Drama department is dedicated to training learners to the highest calibre, developing the artistic ability within each individual and inspiring students. Emphasis is placed on developing skills and exploring concepts through technique, improvisation, and student-developed performance.
At the Grade 2 level, the students are offered a space for exploration, improvisation, and expression through movement and action.
By exploring space, time, body, effort, movement, and form, the individuals involved in dance and drama were able to develop a range of technical skills that are crucial to the art forms. In addition to these technical skills, they also improved their perception and evaluation abilities through various group activities, both large and small.
Furthermore, the participants were able to enhance their teamwork skills as they collaborated with one another throughout the process.

Our Nursery Dolphins were asked to explore objects with wheels in their surroundings as part of their unit ‘Transportation.’
Through keen observation, the learners were able to produce sketches of different modes of transportation, such as school buses, trains, and aeroplanes that they had seen in their surroundings.
Additionally, they demonstrated their comprehension of the various types of transportation and their respective purposes through group discussions and the sharing of ideas. This allowed them to exhibit a clear understanding of the subject matter.

The grade 3 students delved into the study of the Skeletal and Muscular systems, participating in a variety of learning activities that allowed them to investigate and discover information related to the following topics:
- Different types of skeletal systems
- The number and types of bones found in the human body
- The function of tendons as fibrous connective tissue between bones and muscles
- The interdependence of muscles and bones in terms of function (both large and small muscles)
- Techniques for strengthening muscles through training to improve athletic performance.

Music Education in young children helps in developing their Social Skill and emotional self-regulation abilities and have cognitive and physical benefits. The students have been introduced to various Music Elements like Pitch, Tempo, Rhythm and Dynamics.
The students of Sr Kg have been introduced to the Glockenspiel (Percussion Instrument), w have been learning to play songs on the Glockenspiel and reading non-traditional notes.
Students are also given a space to explore Musical Instruments and come up with their own tunes. When children practice playing a musical instrument, they infuse a part of their personality into their performance. This allows them to express their creativity in a positive and constructive way while also enhancing their hand-eye coordination.