

Grade 1  Grade 1 Health and Well-being Fair: Making a Lasting Impact The Grade 1 Health and Well-being Fair was not just an event; it was a remarkable demonstration of the impact our young learners can have. Our Grade 1 students took the lead in planning and organizing this fair, with a mission to spread

Cultural Fest: A Celebration of India’s rich diversity!

EIS celebrated the Cultural Fest on 25th April 2023 to create an immersive experience for our learners. The cultural fest aimed at creating a learning space that allowed the students to engage in cultural experiences.  The PYP learners gave energizing performances showcasing their knowledge of traditional and folk dances from various parts of India.  The

MYP Design

In design, students thrive to create successful solutions addressing the problem. MYP 1 student Aanya Saincher has designed and developed a poster on Organ donation for unit 1. The inspiration was taken from their science class where they were learning about various organs and their functionalities. Through various research, she discovered the benefits of organ


GRADE 1  Grade 1 students inquired into ‘Learning about previous generations help us understand the relationship between the past and present’ under the theme, ‘Where we are in place and time’. ‘A picture says a thousand words’, is what is said and therefore, students indulged in experiential learning through a gallery walk of several pictures

Population Control Policies

MYP4 students have a unit on Population & Migration in I&S. Students worked in groups to study population control policies adopted by various countries and their success as well as other implications. After studying these policies and their success students brainstormed about the ethical considerations while deciding the population control policies.  It was followed by