Category: Early Years

Literacy Week in the Early Years

Literacy Week is organised with a strong belief in fostering the learning community with the joy of reading, promoting creativity, expanding vocabulary and giving wings to the imagination.  Young children get to experience and explore new worlds that exist between the covers of books. The week-long event was divided into various different experiences for the

Celebrating ‘Who We Are’ in the Nursery Class

As we took a dive into our adventurous mission to play, learn and grow we discovered the nature of our unique physical self inspired by stories like ‘Elmer’ by David Mackee and ‘The Reflection in Me’ by Fablevision and Marc Colagiovanni. We also explored our abilities and self-management skills through various hands-on engagements like dressing

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi

Festivals can act as a great provocation for incorporating various academic and non-academic skills and knowledge.Junior Kindergarten observed the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi to understand the Sustainable Development Goal13 – Climate Action and Learner Profile Attribute – Caring. The students listened to a short story about why Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated. They made connections between

A Sneak Peek into the Nursery

A Sneak Peek into the Nursery

Welcome to the Nursery batch of 2021-22 Cheers to new beginnings @EIS!! Introducing Our Nursery- Pandas and Penguins The Nursery students identified their batches into Pandas and Penguins. We had some constructive bonding time through games like an indoor scavenger hunt, I spy, and Simon says. We had the opportunity to be global advocates as